Informative Essay Reflection

The purpose of this informative assignment was to inform about cloning without taking any position. When I first began my essay, I didn’t know where to focus on. Should I talk about cloning in general or to choose specific cloning method?  I read all the articles and watched videos about cloning. I was interested to learn more about the Therapeutic cloning. I did research on google about Therapeutic cloning. I found an article “Therapeutic cloning: promises and issues” which helped me to understand more about therapeutic cloning how it can be helpful in our medical system. After reading the article, I chose to write about Therapeutic cloning and its potential in creating a new medicine, although there were ethical issues because of using the embryonic cells to produces stem cells to create identical organs.  As a writer, I wanted to share all this information with my reader in a way they can understand because when I was reading some of the articles, those scientific terms were hard to understand. So, I spent some extra time to understand these terms. So, I can explain to my audience about the benefits of using the Therapeutic cloning process.

Before I start my essay, I brainstormed my thesis and ideas that I wanted to talk about. At the same time ensuring I did a lot of research and have the right evidence from the right website. My opening sentence was about organs that can be produced through Therapeutic cloning. My idea was to mention about organ failure in a way people can feel related to it because there are a lot of people with organs failure, but there are not enough organs for every single patient and they must wait until they get a match with someone. After that, I gave the definition of cloning and what are different kinds of cloning in a way an audience will understand. From there, I linked to therapeutic cloning and informed how it will improve our medical system. Also, I used a visual image, which shows the process of Therapeutic cloning. Here are the screenshots of that pictures that I used

I used two outside sources and one article from class. I wrote my essay and took it to pal-center to review my paper. My tutor gave me a lot of feedbacks such as how I gave evidence, but I didn’t explain. It was hard to explain without taking any positions and to choose the right words. So, I tried to explain to my tutor things that I wanted to say, and he helped to use the right words and he pointed out grammar mistakes that I made. After that, I tried to make the correction and did the peer-review in class. I got feedback from my peer and made correction again.

Finally, making all the correction of feedbacks that I got from my peer and tutor. I took my paper to pal-center again went over with my tutor. He read it and pointed out some of the grammar mistakes that I made. I fixed again and ask my friend to read it for me. Also, I asked her if she understands my information about Therapeutic cloning since she didn’t know about this topic. It was a great way to get help from her and she said she did understand. Therefore, I submitted my final version assignment. It was not easy to write this paper but surrounded by people who are willing to help me made it possible. Also, in the future, I can work on using the right academic words and improve grammar mistakes.